Hello World!

I’ll be honest—I’m bad at this. This is heavily abridged version of my original 'Hello World' post I sat on for two years and deleted.

I’ve rewritten this site a few times over the years, and it’s usually just been a single HTML file, a single CSS file, and maybe some embedded JavaScript. Nothing fancy.

But in 2021, I pushed a big change to this website’s repository. I moved from that super simple single HTML and CSS file setup to a Publish-powered site. Publish, for those not in the know (most people), is a Swift-backed static site generator.

I made the switch to Publish for a few reasons:

  1. I like Swift, and Publish’s SwiftUI-inspired syntax for building a site just works for my brain.
  2. I wanted a place to blog.
  3. I wanted a place to post my astrophotography photos.

Maybe my goopy-goblin-gamer brain kicked in, but I wasn’t really happy with what I built. I didn’t like the layouts, the colors, or the styling... I could go on. So, I ended up just removing everything that wasn’t the “About” page, and I left it like that for three years.

But that changes today.

Is my CSS exactly how I want it?


Do I have a fancy publishing workflow that will automatically publish when I merge to main?


Is this the first big blog post where I described writing this site in Publish in detail?

No, I deleted that.

It’s a new beginning. I’m going to try to publish here at least once a month.

What’s going to end up here?

No clue.

But that's the fun part. I can't figure out what's going to end up here unless I start putting stuff here. It doesn't have to be perfect. It doesn't even have to be good. It just has to exist.

I think I got the RSS feed working, so if you want to follow along, there’s that.
